Activity 12:
Using the Amnesty Interactive CD-ROM


A self-teaching guide using the Amnesty Interactive CD-ROM to introduce human rights concepts, history, documents, and issues.

Time: About 1 hour
Materials: Macintosh or Windows Computer with CD-ROM drive,
Amnesty Interactive CD-ROM1
Setting: Middle School - Adult groups


1. Install as instructed by the Amnesty Interactive CD Instructions.

2. Run the Amnesty Interactive program as instructed by the CD's Instructions.

3. Once the introduction has concluded, you will see a main menu that has five sections:

  • Rights

  • Stories

  • Ideas

  • Places

  • Voices

Note: If a white box appears instead of an animated or motion sequence, this indicates that this CD-ROM was created before your more sophisticated computer. You need to get an upgraded version of the CD-ROM or use an older, compatible computer.

3. You are to investigate different aspects of human rights around the world by exploring in each of the five sections of the CD-ROM. At the end of your session, you should be able to do these things:

  • Identify and describe at least 10 people who have contributed to human rights (e.g., thinkers, activists, heroes, defenders).

  • Identify at least 5 documents from ancient to modern times that have contributed to the development of human rights concepts and law.

  • Identify at least 3 stories concerning human rights issues from the STORIES menu and link each story to specific rights listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Be able to give the article number of those rights.

  • Summarize the human rights situation in at least one country in each of the world’s major regions (Africa; North, Central and South America; Europe; Asia; and Oceania). Use the PLACES menu for this part of the assignment.

Going Further

1. Discuss – The developers of this CD-ROM claim that "Every voice makes a difference" when people take action about human rights issues. Based upon the information you have gathered, is this claim valid? Be able to offer specific evidence to support your position.


1The Amnesty Interactive CD Rom is part of the Human Rights USA Resource Kit from the Human Rights USA Resource Center

Source: Adapted from Bill Fernekes, Human Rights Educators’ Network, Amnesty International USA.

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